Saturday, March 9, 2013

Adjectives Revisited

In my second blog ever, 2008, I wrote about adjectives and Mark Twain's admonition to kill them all on sight, and about some exceptions to the rule.

Here are a couple more exceptions I found in James Crumley's The Last Good Kiss. In the first one, at page 35, he is describing a guy snoring:
He was sleeping like a grizzly gone under for the winter ... spitting out snores that seemed to curse his sleep, great phlegm-strangled, whiskey-soaked, cigar-smoked, window-rattling roars.
 In the second example, at page 47, he is a little more restrained when describing a lawyer.
And he had dressed for the occasion. A dark-blue, expensively tailored, vested, pin-striped suit and a silk tie.|

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